Analytics of web resources as ways of rating information systems

Keywords: site analytics, GA4, web, conversions, analytics events, site users


The work includes an analysis of research and scientific publications in the field of analytics. Different methods of website analytics are classified and researched, the expediency of using each analytical class is determined, and the real working mechanisms of the popular GA4 web resource server are demonstrated on the example of a developed website.


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2. Kotler P., Keller K., Chernev A. Marketing Management. 16th ed. Rental edition, 2021. 607 p.
3. Yousfi K., Аdelakun O. A Qualitative Approach to Google Analytics to Boost E-Commerce Sales. Book «International Conference on Managing Business Through Web Analytics». 2022. P.73-9110.
4. Коломоєць С. Створення ефективної маркетингової стратегії: детальний посібник. LinkedIn.
5. A Comprehensive Guide to Monitor Uptime and Downtime in WordPress. Grace Themes.

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How to Cite
Khrystynets, N., Melnyk, K., Fenyuk , A., & Kopchuk, V. (2023). Analytics of web resources as ways of rating information systems. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (53), 228-232.
Computer science and computer engineering