Analysis of role change dynamics of the student, teacher and computer in the modern educational process

Keywords: education, training system, education, student, listener, lecturer, computer, integration


The concepts of education and training systems, their tasks before society are analyzed. Modern processes in society that lead to the blurring of the roles of the elements of the educational process, reduce its effectiveness and actualize the issue of its transformation are identified. The definition of the essence of the teacher-oriented paradigm of the organization of the educational process is given, as well as a list of its advantages and disadvantages. On the basis of the given data, a comparative analysis was conducted with a more relevant student-oriented paradigm, its advantages and responsibilities of the parties. The problem of the various biases of the teacher and the possibilities of overcoming it with the help of the introduction of a student-oriented paradigm of the educational process and information technologies are identified. Typical capabilities of information technologies as part of an element of the education system (teaching assistant, student assistant, statistics aggregator, analytical system, documentation aggregator, etc.) are given. The present and potential positive shifts from the introduction of the computer to the educational process both for its immediate members and for the quality and orderliness of knowledge as a whole are shown. The need to improve computer literacy of both teachers and students was identified. Prospective directions for further research and transformations of the educational process are identified.


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How to Cite
Tkachov , V., Diakov, Y., & Bitchenko, O. (2023). Analysis of role change dynamics of the student, teacher and computer in the modern educational process. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (53), 222-227.
Computer science and computer engineering