The Hubble parameter in the four-dimensional corpuscular model of the universe

Keywords: relativistic mechanics, Hubble's constant, passage of time, physical vacuum


To model the universe, where both observed particles and particles of cold dark matter and dark energy are present, it is proposed to use an alternative apparatus of relativistic mechanics in Euclidean 4-space, which has means of describing the physical vacuum and all types of particles, including dark ones. It is shown that the choice of the reference system selected by G. A. Lorentz limits the application of the space-time apparatus in relativistic mechanics. A comparison of a number of criteria for determining the distance to space objects by the size of the cosmological redshift is presented.


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How to Cite
Pasternak, R. (2023). The Hubble parameter in the four-dimensional corpuscular model of the universe. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (53), 166-172.
Computer science and computer engineering