Probabilistic analysis of student's competencies based on the competence approach

Keywords: competence, competence-based approach, assessment method, statistics, fuzzy sets, fuzzy queries


The purpose of this article is to analyze the possibility of conducting a probabilistic analysis of student competencies based on their academic performance data (without conducting an actual interview), and, accordingly, to present the author's method for conducting this analysis, the practical value of which is also considered in this article. To this end, the article analyzes the current competency-based approach to learning, the concept of "competence" in various fields of human activity, and the existing methods for determining the level of competence of both schoolchildren and students and specialists in various fields. From the definitions of the concept of "competence" given in the article, the author chooses the most important one, on which the method proposed for consideration is based. The analysis of the currently existing methods for determining competence allows the author to conclude that they have a common drawback - the need to conduct an oral interview in one form or another. After that, the author proposes for consideration and analysis a new method for determining the level of students' competencies based on their performance data, which has a heuristic character - a description of the main components of the method and a description of the relationships between these components are provided. For the proposed method, the author provides a proof of its efficiency in the form of a detailed and step-by-step solution to the task of assessing the level of mastery of a specific set of abstract student's competencies using a ready-made set of data on the student's academic performance, which was generated automatically in a random format. The result of the task using the proposed method is probabilistic conclusions in the form of numerical indicators. These findings make it possible to draw a general conclusion that the process of assessing a student's competence may not depend on the possibility of conducting an oral interview (which is the basis of all existing methods. Thus, the use of the method proposed by the author in combination with existing methods (based on an oral interview) contributes to an increase in the level of assessment by higher education institutions of the state of formation of competencies (relevant to the labor market at the time of assessment) of students, and therefore allows for more flexible curriculum development, which will positively contribute to reducing unemployment in Ukraine


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How to Cite
Manzhula , K. (2023). Probabilistic analysis of student’s competencies based on the competence approach. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (53), 139-151.
Computer science and computer engineering