Solving the facility location problem by genetic algorithms

Keywords: FLP, Facility Location Problem, Genetic algorithm, GA, integer programming


Efficient facility location is a critical component of logistics and supply chain management, impacting the cost-effectiveness and responsiveness of distribution networks. The Facility Location Problem (FLP) is a well-established optimization challenge that involves determining the optimal placement of facilities to serve a set of demand points. This article presents a novel approach to address logistic problems formulated as FLPs using Genetic Algorithms (GAs).

Genetic Algorithms are evolutionary optimization techniques that have shown remarkable success in solving complex, combinatorial problems. In this study, we adapt and apply a genetic algorithm to find solutions for real-world logistic problems, focusing on facility location decisions. The proposed approach harnesses the power of genetic algorithms to optimize facility placement, considering factors such as transportation costs, demand patterns, and facility capacity constraints.

The article outlines the formulation of logistic problems as FLPs and explains the adaptation of genetic algorithms to solve them. It discusses the design of the genetic algorithm, including the representation of solutions, genetic operators, and the fitness function, which accounts for various logistics objectives. Through a series of experiments and case studies, the article demonstrates the effectiveness of the genetic algorithm-based approach in optimizing facility location decisions, ultimately leading to reduced operational costs and improved service quality.

The results highlight the capability of genetic algorithms to find near-optimal solutions in a reasonable amount of time for large-scale logistic problems. Additionally, this study offers insights into the trade-offs between various logistic objectives and provides decision-makers with valuable tools to make informed facility location decisions.

Efficient facility location is a critical component of logistics and supply chain management, impacting


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How to Cite
Kostenko , O., & Kuzenkov , O. (2023). Solving the facility location problem by genetic algorithms. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (53), 125-131.
Computer science and computer engineering