Research of Cryptographic Information Protection Technology in Health and Medical Care Field of China
Cryptography technology based on domestic algorithms for the use of informatization in the health and medical care field of China is classified and researched in the paper. In the trend of medical services gradually transitioning from "closed" to "open", the medical information security environment is not optimistic. It is emphasized that with the correct settings and selection of the necessary cryptographic stability of the encryption algorithm, the technology is safe and independent, ensures the safety of medical data and facilitates the circulation of medical services. Cryptography technology service realizes the identity authenticity of medical data access subjects, the confidentiality and integrity protection of medical health information in the process of sharing and storage, the protection of sensitive information in the process of access, query and use, and the secure data cochain in the whole process, and ensures that the cryptographic application is secure, independent and controllable, truly achieves the security of medical health data and promotes the open sharing of health services
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