Research of the possibilities of geo-information systems for the automated creation and update of digital topographic plans
The purpose of this work is to analyze the capabilities of GIS tools for automating the processes of creating and updating digital topographic plans. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive analysis of GIS application possibilities and is aimed at determining the most effective solutions for automating work with digital topographic plans. General scientific and special research methods are used, determined by the general goal and local tasks. The results. The experience of using GIS to automate the processes of creating and updating digital topoplans was analyzed. The characteristics and features of the use of GIS tools are defined. Issues of a comprehensive approach to working with digital topoplans have been developed in order to unify all processes and obtain quality results. The ArcGIS system is considered as one of the most common in the professional sphere, as it meets the modern requirements of conducting work in digital cartography. The proposed algorithm for using current GIS for working with digital topoplans, the possibilities of using various data sources for creating, further detailing and updating topographic plans are demonstrated. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The work systematizes the possibilities of GIS in relation to their use for automatic creation and updating of digital topoplans. Conclusions. In order to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of topographic map updating processes, the use of GIS technologies was proposed. In this case, they are universal in processing different sets of information, which simplifies further work, allowing to enter new data on a regular basis even in the process of using the card. Aerial and space survey methods are used to quickly obtain new data. Their processing and integration into the existing digital map is carried out with the help of GI tools. The basic digital map is prepared on the basis of vectorization of maps of previous years. The creation of a reference model of the topographic data base (in accordance with international standards ISO 19100) is relevant in this process. GIS tools allow you to work with a digital basis, make corrections to it based on actual survey data. The maximum efficiency of the ArcGIS environment for updating topographic maps was determined.
The results of the work can be used in the practical activities of land management and city management, cadastral accounting, tourism activities, in transport, agrarian, mining and other industries.
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