Application of internet of things technologies to optimize logistics in agriculture
The paper examines the use of Internet of Things technologies to optimize logistics in agriculture. It is emphasized that the Internet of Things is a concept of a numerical network of physical objects equipped with built-in technologies for interaction with others or with the external environment. It is emphasized that the introduction of new and development of existing digital technologies makes it possible to optimize existing processes in the international economy. Therefore, the implementation of technological solutions in the agro-industrial complex must be considered as an important method of increasing the efficiency of management models, as well as a basis for further development and modernization of the agricultural industry. The importance and relevance of electronic commerce in the conditions of Internet consumption is described. It emphasizes the problems of increasing the timeliness of cold chain logistics, the problems of transportation and the regulation of the cold regime for agricultural products that need it. It is emphasized that e-commerce of fresh products optimizes the supply chain, ensures cold chain logistics, increases transparency of information and delivers fresh products to consumers efficiently and transparently. The logistics of the cold chain and the process of distribution of agricultural products based on the Internet of Things are graphically presented, the stages of the passage of products from the producer to the final consumer are described. It is emphasized that accelerating the development of cold chain logistics can extend the shelf life and the period of sale of agricultural products and reduce the level of losses during the transportation of agricultural products, while ensuring the quality of products, thereby reducing logistics costs and ensuring economic benefits from electronic trade in fresh food.
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