The value of computer mathematics in the formation of digital competences for future economists

Keywords: computer mathematical systems, digital competence of economists, mathematical training, professional training of students, special software


The article shows the peculiarities of the computer mathematical systems practical application in the process of forming the digital economists’ competences. It is substantiated that the usage of these programs in the educational process of a higher education institution contributes to the formation of students' knowledge, abilities and skills in the field of both mathematics and computer science; supporting the motivation of using information technologies in professional activities; development of visual, intuitive, theoretical thinking, aesthetic perception of mathematical objects, ability to carry out experimental activities. As a result of the computer mathematics system usage in professional training, competence in the field of  information technologies application in professional activity is formed in the future specialist in the field of economics. Proposed examples of the use of MS Excel and Mathcad software packages for solving economic problems


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How to Cite
Husak , L., Levchuk, O., & Hrynchuk , T. (2023). The value of computer mathematics in the formation of digital competences for future economists. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (52), 71-76.
Computer science and computer engineering