Development of the mathematical apparatus of Boolean derivatives to improve the reliability and validity of information processing

Keywords: logic circuits, technical diagnostic, Boolean derivatives, reliability, validity, information processing


The article substantiates the concept of the Boolean derivative of the generalized logic model (GLM) with respect to the fault parameter and the basis of its use for solving technical diagnostics problems. Since such a GLM describes the occurrence of faults of arbitrary multiplicity, the diagnostic tests built using this model allow quick identification of the technical condition of the logic circuit, and therefore reduce the recovery time and improve the reliability and validity of information processing


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How to Cite
Krulikovskyi, B., Nazaruk, V., & Reinska , V. (2023). Development of the mathematical apparatus of Boolean derivatives to improve the reliability and validity of information processing. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (52), 54-59.
Computer science and computer engineering