Analysis of digital modulation methods and features of the use of error-correcting codes in one-way radio communication systems.
one-way radio communication systems, digital modulation methods, noise immunity coding, noise immunity
The analysis of digital modulation methods and features of the use of error-correcting codes in radio communication systems with one-way transmission of discrete messages is carried out. The directions of researches are determined, which are aimed at increasing the reliability of information transmission with a limited frequency, time and energy resource, in the absence of information about the fact of sending a useful signal and the possibility of adapting to a signal-interference environment.
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2. Nikiforov N.N., Zhyrov G.B., Pampuha I.V. Possibilities of the integrated system of passive monitoring of space in the conditions of application of the high-precision weapon. Scientific works сollection of the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. 2016. Vip. 54. pp. 55-62. (in Ukraininan).
3. MAC Layer Protocols for Internet of Things. Luiz Oliveira, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, Sergei A. Kozlov, Ricardo A. L. Rabêlo, Victor Hugo C. de Albuquerque. Journal Future Internet. 2019. Vol. 11(1). P. 16. URL:
4. A Sigfox Energy Consumption Model. Carles Gomez, Juan Carlos Veras, Rafael Vidal, Lluís Casals. Journal Sensors. 2019. Vol. 19. P. 681. URL:
5. Steve Kille. Nato military messaging. MilsatMagazine. 2008. November. Pр. 71. URL:
6. ACP 142(A). P_MUL – a protocol for reliable multicast in bandwidth constrained and delayed acknowledgement (EMCON) environments. Unclassified CCEB publication. 2008. 58 p. URL:
7. Maltsev G.N., Cherniavskyi E.V., Coding of messages in radio control systems without reverse information channel. Information and management systems. 2011. № 4. Pр. 60. (in Russian).
8. Vasylkivskyi M.V., Melnychuk O.I., Reaskos S. Increasing noise immunity of telemetry systems based on IoT technology. Youth in science: research, problems, prospects: All-Ukrainian scientific-practical Internet conference. 2019 Vinnytsia: VNTU, 2019. URL: (in Ukraininan).
9. Zaitsev S.V. Methods and models for ensuring the constant reliability of information in wireless data transmission systems: dis. dr. tech. science: 05.13.06. Chernihiv, 2016. 397 p. (in Ukraininan).
10. Kornieiko О.V., Kuvshynov O.V., Lezhniuk О.P., Liventsev S.P. Theory of telecommunication: textbook. Kyiv: Slavutych-Delfin, 2006. Vol.2. 292 p. (in Ukraininan).
11. Okunev Yu.B. Digital transmission of information by phase-manipulated signals. Moscow: Radio and Communication, 1991. 296 p. (in Russian).
12. Vovchenko V.S., Nuh Taha Nasif., Vidnichuk A.G., Likhoman A.A. Bit error probability analysis in SISO relay communication channels. Modern problems of radio engineering and telecommunications "RT - 2013": materials of the 9th International Youth Scientific and Technical Conference (Sevastopol, 2013). Sevastopol: Sevastopol National Technical University, 2013. P. 149. (in Russian, in Ukraininan).
13. Prokis J. Digital communication. Translation from English. Under the editorship of D.D. Klovskiy. - M.: Radio and communication, 2000. 800 p. (in Russian).
14. Buurman B., Kamruzzaman J., Karmakar G. and S. Islam. Low-Power Wide-Area Networks: Design Goals, Architecture, Suitability to Use Cases and Research Challenges. in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 17179-17220, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2968057.
15. Abbas R., Al-Sherbaz A., Bennecer A., Picton P. A new channel selection algorithm for the Weightless-N Frequency Hopping with lower collision probability. 8th International Network of the Future (NoF) Conference Proceedings. London: IEEE (In Press). 2017. URL:
16. Bembe, M., Abu-Mahfouz, A., Masonta, M. A survey on low-power wide area networks for IoT applications. Telecommun Syst 71, 249–274 (2019).
17. MIL-STD-188-110D. Interoperability and performance standards for data modems. 2017. 270 P. URL:
18. Morelos-Zaragosa R. The art of error-correcting coding. Methods, algorithms, application. Moscow: Technosphere, 2005. 320 p. (in Russian).
19. Samoilenko S.I., Davydov A.A., Zolotarev V.V., Tretyakova E.I. Computing networks: adaptability, noise immunity, reliability. Moscow: Nauka, 1981. 277 p. (in Russian).
20. Zolotarev V.V. Theory and algorithms of multithreshold decoding. M.: "Radio and Communication", "Hotline – Telecom", 2006. 276 p. (in Russian).
21 Spilker J. Digital satellite communication. Translation from English; under the editorship of V.V. Markov. Moscow: Communications, 1979. 592 p. (in Russian).
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How to Cite
Zaluzhnyi О., Radzivilov Н., & Kozubtsova, L. (2022). Analysis of digital modulation methods and features of the use of error-correcting codes in one-way radio communication systems . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (48), 129-134.
Telecommunications and radio engineering