The process of work of a game designer in modern promising areas of GameDev

Keywords: game design, gamedev, engine, video games, game developer.


Perspective directions of the game industry, specifics of work and tasks of the game designer are considered. The basics of orientation in game engines, rules of game documentation development and key skills of work with specialized software are defined.


Big gamedev salary survey 2021 [Electronic resource] // Boost Ingamejob. – 2021. – Resource access mode:

Most played games on Steam as of December 2021, by average number of concurrent players [Electronic resource] // statista. – 2021. – Resource access mode:

Phantasy Star Online [Електронний ресурс] // Wikiwand. – 2018. – Режим доступу до ресурсу:

Tracy Fullerton, Game Design Workshop, Ігровий Дизайн : монографія, AK Peters/ CRC Press, 2014. Р. 495-535

Jesse Shell, The Art of Game Design, Ігровий Дизайн : монографія, Elsveir, 2008. Р. 465-518

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How to Cite
Khrystynets , N., Bahnіuk N., & Koshlaty , N. (2022). The process of work of a game designer in modern promising areas of GameDev. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (46), 88-92.
Computer science and computer engineering