Analysis of network interfaces and industrial Internet of things systems.

Keywords: control, monitoring, architecture, application, protocol, database, Industrial Internet of Things.


The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) involves the active introduction of embedded technologies in modern infocommunication networks. This concept includes an increasing number of areas of human life. Within the framework of the IoT concept, a direction is being developed - the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), which covers the issues of creating a heterogeneous intelligent system for automating the operation of industrial facilities and enterprises. IIoT systems are used in various areas of production, such as smart manufacturing, agriculture, electronic device manufacturing, mechanical engineering, machine tool manufacturing, automation of data collection and accounting. According to ITU-T Y.4003 "Overview of smart manufacturing in the context of the industrial things", IIoT is the concept of industrial transformation, using existing and new information and telecommunication technologies for this, and based on the concept of the Internet of things. As part of the IIoT concept, industrial equipment operation is automated, economic indicators are calculated, and worker safety is ensured. The main difference between systems of this type is their close contact with cloud technologies and the use of systems that can independently learn and create neural connections for the current assessment of the enterprise and planning its development.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk А., Svirzhevsky К., Grisyuk О., Trokhimchuk І., & Tkachuk , V. (2022). Analysis of network interfaces and industrial Internet of things systems . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (46), 43-56.