Algorithm for determining the thermal energy amount for systems using standard pressure differential devices.

  • О. Slabyk Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • F. Matiko Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • L. Lesovoy Lviv Polytechnic National University
Keywords: thermal energy amount, heat carrier flowrate, calculating algorithm, thermal energy metering systems.


The paper presents an analysis of the existing structures of thermal energy metering systems and the equations for calculating thermal energy amount used in these systems. The authors defined a complex for calculating the integral amount of energy between two points of heating system. This complex is a part of each equation used for the thermal energy metering systems. The algorithm is developed for automated calculating the thermal energy amount for systems based on standard pressure differential devices. It implements a complete mathematical model of a differential pressure flowmeter.


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How to Cite
SlabykО., Matiko, F., & Lesovoy, L. (2019). Algorithm for determining the thermal energy amount for systems using standard pressure differential devices. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (36), 77-81.