Cyber-physical systems for glucose determination.

  • А. Sverstiuk Ternopil I.Ya. National Medical University Gorbachevsky
  • О. Bagriy-Zayats Ternopil I.Ya. National Medical University Gorbachevsky
  • А. Horkunenko Ternopil I.Ya. National Medical University Gorbachevsky
  • Z. Mayhruk Ternopil I.Ya. National Medical University Gorbachevsky
  • V. Gaida Ternopil Regional Municipal Institute of Postgraduate Education
Keywords: cyber-physical system, biosensor, glucometers, electronic health systems


Photometric, biosensor, electrochemical glucometers are considered in the work. A separate insulin pump is provided as a method of measuring glucose levels with the ability to dose the required insulin. A schematic illustration of a human eye biosensor incorporating an analog-to-digital converter that converts electrochemical signals into digital data, and a transmitter that can transmit data wirelessly to mobile devices. An approach to the development of a cyber-physical biosensor system for measuring glucose levels is proposed. The functional scheme of the cyber-physical system for determination of glucose level is presented. As the results of the numerical simulation, fluorescing pixels are presented for intermediate estimation of glucose level.


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How to Cite
SverstiukА., Bagriy-ZayatsО., HorkunenkoА., Mayhruk, Z., & Gaida, V. (2019). Cyber-physical systems for glucose determination. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (36), 69-76.