Features of information technology distribution of radio waves by frequency bands.

Keywords: machine learning, optimization, minimax approach, Minimax Probability Machine.


The article presents the importance of machine learning in the modern world. Particular attention is paid to the use of machine learning algorithms in medicine, in particular the use of various models, such as regression, SVM, random forests for controlled learning and PCA for uncontrolled. The main uncertainties and tasks of machine learning that arise in the main medical applications (diagnosis, treatment and prevention) are emphasized. The problems of machine learning in medical research are described mathematically. Optimization is an important part of machine learning. The main attention is paid to the minimax approach in machine learning. A number of minimax approaches are considered, such as: Minimax Probability Machine (MPM), Generalized Hidden-Mapping Minimax Probability Machine (GHM-MPM), Minimum Error Minimax Probability Machine (MEMPM), pair minimax probability of extreme tilt machine (TMPELM), double minima machine probabilities (TWMPM) and some others.


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How to Cite
Martsenyuk , V., Andrushchak І., & Milian , N. (2021). Features of information technology distribution of radio waves by frequency bands . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (42), 164-171. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2524-0560-2021-42-24
Computer science and computer engineering