Principles of creation of the electronic data archive as a background for retrieval requests.
The principles of forming an electronic data archive as a basis for the implementation of information retrieval are revealed. The concept of electronic data archive is defined, electronic document archive is a multifaceted system designed to store electronic documents in any format depending on their purpose and user requirements. It is emphasized that the system of archiving electronic documents allows to classify documents by types and types depending on their purpose and demand, as well as to conduct a relevant search of documents by keywords, details and other parameters. It is emphasized that the formation of the electronic data archive as a basis for the implementation of information retrieval can be divided into several stages: determining the array of documentation to be placed in the electronic archive; digitization of documents; structuring electronic documents based on various criteria; development of work regulations; determining the levels of access of employees to documents for viewing or editing and ensuring security. The structural scheme of the digital archive and the scheme of realization of the information search query on the basis of the electronic data archive are given. The stages of filling the electronic archive of documents are described and the methods of filling are substantiated. An algorithm for implementing an information retrieval query based on an electronic archive is proposed and models of an information retrieval query based on an electronic data archive are analyzed, separating their advantages and disadvantages, which are presented in the form of a comparative table. It is noted that the practical aspect of the implementation of information retrieval on the basis of electronic data archive is based on a set of terms representing individual words or phrases, and the mathematical component of electronic document display is a failure to cover the analysis of parts (fragments) data.
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