System approach to bilding models for intelligent processing of data in eco-information systems.

Keywords: model, computer simulation, control directives, nonlinear signals, programming language, Pspice software packages.


The paper notes the features of the input language of this software package, methods of describing sentences of the input language, building own models of the studied objekt and using the models specified in the open library of this complex. Possible operating modes of the complex and methods of their effective use are described. The results obtained make it possible to carry out effective circuit and technical modeling and analysis of both known objekts and newly created ones, while ensuring the economy of material and human resources.


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How to Cite
Zaiats , V., MajewskіJ., & Zaiats, M. (2021). System approach to bilding models for intelligent processing of data in eco-information systems. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (42), 50-57.