Modeling of compacted powder filter element of complex shape with radial-isostatic pressing.

  • O. Povstyanoy LNTU
  • А. Mikhaylov National Institute of Food Technology
  • V. Rud' LNTU
  • О. Mikhaylov Institute of Materials Science, NAS of Ukraine
Keywords: radial isostatic pressing, porous permeable material, filter, density distribution, porosity


The simulation of the process of radial isostatic pressing of a complex-shaped filtering element in the form of a flask obtained from powder of BBS15 steel was carried out. It is established that the distribution of porosity and accumulated plastic deformation over the product volume is uneven and depends on the compaction scheme. The wall material is compacted more intensively by radial pressing, and the bottom of the filter material is compacted more intensively by axial pressing. The use of a pressing scheme in which the powder is first compacted in the radial and then in the axial direction allows to obtain more even distribution of properties. As the radius increases, the porosity of the wall and the bottom of the filter increases.


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How to Cite
Povstyanoy, O., MikhaylovА., Rud’, V., & MikhaylovО. (2019). Modeling of compacted powder filter element of complex shape with radial-isostatic pressing. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (36), 58-62.