A new approach to estimating power losses of an electric power system using Z- matrix.
Introductory speech on the research topic: When studying the modes of electric power systems, the parameters of the mode and the scheme are distinguished. Scheme parameters refer to generalized network parameters. The nodal Z-matrix of self and mutual impedances is a matrix of generalized parameters. System scheme parameters are divided into active and passive. Passive parameters are longitudinal and transverse parameters. One of the important technical and economic indexes of an electrical system is power losses. When studying the system modes, it is necessary to take into account the influence of the longitudinal and transverse passive parameters of the circuit on the loss values. The purpose of scientific research: Estimation of power losses of an electric power system using the Z-matrix. Calculate losses, assess the change in active and reactive power losses due to longitudinal and transverse passive parameters of the system circuit. Description of scientific and practical significance of the work: Scientific value of the work: A new approach to assessing power losses was introduced, based on new formulaе for calculating loss factors, using the Z-matrix of generalized parameters. Practical value: provides versatility for calculating, analyzing and evaluating power losses in transmission electrical networks. Description of the research methodology: Taking into account the different types of power line modeling of modern electric power systems, the complexity of network schemes, matrix theory, numerical methods for solving system mode quations, loss factors - B, using the Z-matrix, a new formula was obtained for calculating, evaluating and structuring power losses. Main results, conclusions of the research work: The research was carried out on a macromodel of the electric power system of Armenia. The analysis shows that the proposed formulaе are applicable to transmission electrical networks. The change in the self active and reactive resistances of the Z-matrix, the mutual active and reactive resistances of the Z-matrix, the change in the power loss factors due to the transverse passive parameters of the system circuit are evaluated. The value of the conducted research (what contribution of this work to the relevant branch of knowledge): The proposed approach expands the field of application of generalized parameters in the calculations and analysis of power losses. Practical significance of the results of work: The obtained new formulae for power losses allow for a comprehensive analysis of the structure of losses, identification of hot spots, and development of organizational and technical measures to reduce them.
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