Identification of human emotions using the Keras and TensorFlow neural Network.

  • V. Melnyk LNTU
  • E. Melnyk LNTU
  • B. Shulga LNTU
Keywords: modeling, identification, human emotions, convolutional neural network, KERAS


This article presents the results of research on the determination of human emotions through neural networks. The development of the model for image analysis was carried out using TensorFlow, and the training was implemented using Keras. The input was used from the - FER2013 archive. The OpenCV library was used to analyze the images. Programming language - Python 3. This toolkit is considered the most popular and most convenient for building neural networks, as well as systems of deep learning. Neural networks and machine learning are the most popular technologies at the moment. Particularly great results can be achieved by combining this technology with other known - for example, technology object-oriented programming. This combination of technologies has a wide range of applications in various fields, ranging from ordinary photo luminaries outlined in social networks, and ending with the control of the behavior of citizens of the state or even the planet. The analysis of emotions allows grocery and advertising companies to significantly increase sales, which in turn will increase profits [12]. Being a brilliant interlocutor, having the ability to manipulate people knowing what they think, conduct stress tests of employees and evaluate their reactions, determine the human reaction to advertising, announcement, speech to collect, process and draw conclusions


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How to Cite
Melnyk, V., Melnyk, E., & Shulga, B. (2019). Identification of human emotions using the Keras and TensorFlow neural Network. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (36), 109-122.
Computer science and computer engineering