Use of artificial neural networks to determine the presence of cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases in small data sets.

Keywords: artificial neural network, data classification, medical data, Python, multilayer perceptron


In this paper was conducted the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of artificial neural networks to solve the problem of classification for small sets of medical data in the field of diagnosis. Two data sets were selected for the study: data on cardiovascular diseases and on liver diseases. The obtained results were compared with the accuracy results for standard machine learning methods used in classification problems. A multilayer perceptron model was chosen for the study. Python has become a software for implementation, which provides the ability to use auxiliary libraries when working with machine learning methods.


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How to Cite
Yaremenko , V., & Materynska, S. (2020). Use of artificial neural networks to determine the presence of cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases in small data sets. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 164-169.
Computer science and computer engineering