Technology of hardware virtualization of microprocessors Intel.
microprocessor architecture, Nehalem, Conroe, cache, memory access, LGA1156, memory virtualization.
The features of the Nehalem architecture of microprocessors are considered: memory controller, cache hierarchy, TLB and memory access organization. The technical characteristics of the processors on the LGA1156 socket within one model range are presented as the results of tests of this architecture and the methods of virtual memory organization are investigated.
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Intel Virtualization Technology [Electronic resource] – Resource access mode:
Golden B. Virtualization FOR DUMmIES / Bernard Golden. – Indianapolis: Wiley Publishing, Inc, 2011. – 75 р.
Kappel J. Microsoft Virtualization with Hyper-V / J. Kappel, A. Velte, T. Velte., 2009. – 415 р.
Acquisti A. Trust and Trustworthy Computing: Third International Conference / A. Acquisti, S. Smith, A. Sadeghi. – Berlin, Germany: TRUST. – (Proceedings)
Proceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and Engineering Application – Cunming, China: Springer, 2013. – 578 р.
Intel Virtualization Technology [Electronic resource] – Resource access mode:
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How to Cite
Khrystynets, N., Cherniashchuk, N., MiskevychО., Povstiana, Y., & Dovgonyuk, M. (2020). Technology of hardware virtualization of microprocessors Intel . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 158-163.
Computer science and computer engineering