Technology of Blockchain to optimize document management processes.
Blockchain, distributed database, server, hash, private key, transactions, latches, recipients, electronic document management.
The features of Blockchain technology and its use are considered. Creating secure, reliable and stable electronic document management systems that can reduce the time spent by users on document processing, task processing, data archiving.
Nakamoto S. A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System [Electronic resource] // Bitcoin. - Access mode:
V. Pavlysh, L. Glinenko, N.Shakhovska. Fundamentals of information technology and systems. Textbook. - Lviv, 2018.
Blockchain in Ukraine: What is this technology and how is it useful? [Electronic resource] / Nina Glu-shchenko // - 2017. - October 24, 10.09. - Access mode:
D. & A. Tapscott. Blockchain revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin is Changing Money, Business, and the World.URL:
Goldstein K. What is a blockchain? - Access mode:
2017 is the year of the blockchain in the world. Just about technology and its application in the industry. - Access mode: http: // my-trade-group. com / index.php / mneniya / item / 9251-2017-j-god-blockchain-v-mire-prosto-o-tekhnologii-i-ee-primenenii-v-otrasli / 9251-2017-j-god-blockchain- v-mire-prosto-o-tekhnologii-i-ee-primenenii-v-otrasli
Chernyshov D. In the future, Ukraine will transfer all digital government information to the blockchain platform. - Access mode: novini / u-majbutnomu-ukraina-perevede-vsju-cyfrovu -derzhavnu-informaciju -na-blokchejn-platformu-denys-chernyshov / - Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine
Miskevich O, Kokosha M Application "System Monitor" by means of the QT library. // Scientific journal "Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production" - №26. - 2017. - P. 138-142.
Miskevich OI, Sychov DI, Khrystynets AO On the modernization of the local area network of PJSC "Volynoblenergo" based on Gre-Tunnel using IPSEC. // Scientific journal "Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production" - №30-31. - 2018. - P.100-103
S.V. Grynyuk, K.Ya. Bortnik, O.I. Miskevych, D.I. Palivoda An overview of tools for creating games on Android. / Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production. No. 35, Art. 124-128, 2019.
N. A. Khrystynets, A. A. Sakhnyuk, E. A. Sviridyuk, O. I. Miskevich. Use of бem-blocks when creating a site. / Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production. №35., Art. 206-210, 2019
Miskevich O., Bagniuk, N., Khrystynets, N., Marchevska O. Automation of detection of defective products by machine learning methods. Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production, №39, 175-180. 2020
Khrystynets, N., Mykhalyk A., & Miskevych O. Productivity of CrossFire X technology at loading of video adapters of AMD microprocessors. Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production, №39, 213-217, 2020.
V. Pavlysh, L. Glinenko, N.Shakhovska. Fundamentals of information technology and systems. Textbook. - Lviv, 2018.
Blockchain in Ukraine: What is this technology and how is it useful? [Electronic resource] / Nina Glu-shchenko // - 2017. - October 24, 10.09. - Access mode:
D. & A. Tapscott. Blockchain revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin is Changing Money, Business, and the World.URL:
Goldstein K. What is a blockchain? - Access mode:
2017 is the year of the blockchain in the world. Just about technology and its application in the industry. - Access mode: http: // my-trade-group. com / index.php / mneniya / item / 9251-2017-j-god-blockchain-v-mire-prosto-o-tekhnologii-i-ee-primenenii-v-otrasli / 9251-2017-j-god-blockchain- v-mire-prosto-o-tekhnologii-i-ee-primenenii-v-otrasli
Chernyshov D. In the future, Ukraine will transfer all digital government information to the blockchain platform. - Access mode: novini / u-majbutnomu-ukraina-perevede-vsju-cyfrovu -derzhavnu-informaciju -na-blokchejn-platformu-denys-chernyshov / - Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine
Miskevich O, Kokosha M Application "System Monitor" by means of the QT library. // Scientific journal "Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production" - №26. - 2017. - P. 138-142.
Miskevich OI, Sychov DI, Khrystynets AO On the modernization of the local area network of PJSC "Volynoblenergo" based on Gre-Tunnel using IPSEC. // Scientific journal "Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production" - №30-31. - 2018. - P.100-103
S.V. Grynyuk, K.Ya. Bortnik, O.I. Miskevych, D.I. Palivoda An overview of tools for creating games on Android. / Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production. No. 35, Art. 124-128, 2019.
N. A. Khrystynets, A. A. Sakhnyuk, E. A. Sviridyuk, O. I. Miskevich. Use of бem-blocks when creating a site. / Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production. №35., Art. 206-210, 2019
Miskevich O., Bagniuk, N., Khrystynets, N., Marchevska O. Automation of detection of defective products by machine learning methods. Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production, №39, 175-180. 2020
Khrystynets, N., Mykhalyk A., & Miskevych O. Productivity of CrossFire X technology at loading of video adapters of AMD microprocessors. Computer-integrated technologies: education, science, production, №39, 213-217, 2020.
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How to Cite
Khrystynets, N., MiskevychО., & Mazurenko, V. (2020). Technology of Blockchain to optimize document management processes. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 153-157.
Computer science and computer engineering