Data processing intensity dependence in the cluster on socket performance avoiding heterogeneity.

Keywords: virtual interface architecture sockets, network performance, intensive data processing, virtual interface, virtual clusters.


The work reveals the features of the sockets functioning and limitations alighted on the virtual interface architecture, which use the component base created to support applications with intensive data processing at the time of their execution. Significant improvements in such applications performance can be achieved by message diffraction, which leads to increase in their scalability and execution guarantee, allows balancing the load distribution and makes them more adapted to heterogeneous resources. The research results show that the various performance characteristics of sockets alighted on the virtual interface architecture allow the data efficient distribution in nodes improving the performance of worked applications.


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How to Cite
MelnуkV., KahaniukА., KozlenkoМ., Cherniashchuk, N., & ShcherbliukА. (2020). Data processing intensity dependence in the cluster on socket performance avoiding heterogeneity . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 128-139.
Computer science and computer engineering