Protection of information steganographically in Python by means of the Pillow graphic library.

Keywords: Python language, Pillow, steganography, information protection, information hiding, masking information in a graphic file.


The paper presents a steganographic method for hiding text information in an electronic picture. The method is implemented as a simple Python program. The program uses the graphic library Pillow. The introduction of individual letters of the text is carried out by small changes to the base colors. The letters of the text are embedded in randomly selected pixels sequentially. Hidden text is removed by comparing individual pixels of a filled and empty container. The program can be used for both practical and educational purposes.


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How to Cite
Holovin , N., Holovina , N., Yatsiuk, S., & Sachuk, Y. (2020). Protection of information steganographically in Python by means of the Pillow graphic library. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 110-115.
Computer science and computer engineering