Innovative mechanisms of non-destructive control in the production conditions.

Keywords: non-destructive testing, innovations, mechanism, quality control, properties, materials, constructions, limit values, automation.


Innovative mechanisms of non-destructive testing in the conditions of production are given. The directions in which the means of non-destructive testing are distributed are revealed, it is determined that the basis for choosing the method and device of non-destructive testing to solve problems of defectoscopy, thickness measurement, structuroscopy and technical diagnosis depends on the parameters of the controlled object and its inspection conditions. It is noted that to detect surface defects, both on the outer surfaces and in the internal cavities of the products and to measure their parameters allow visual and measuring methods. The article describes the features of the radiation control method, acoustic (ultrasonic) method, magnetic powder or magnetoluminescent method, eddy current method and thermal. Also, in the framework of the work innovative mechanisms of non-destructive testing in the conditions of production in various branches are given: construction, aerospace, microelectronics, atomic-optical microscopy of biological objects. The principles of perspective development of new methods and means of control are revealed for machine-building enterprises. CALS technology is outlined, which provides electronic submission of all data and documents used to describe the product or how it is manufactured and operated, to provide information support for the various procedures used throughout the product life cycle. The place of the personal computer in the CALS system of technologies is defined, it is noted that in the automated means of the personal computer all processes of control and sorting of products are carried out automatically without participation of the operator, and their structure includes means of movement of the controlled objects. control process, systems of mechanical scanning by the converter of a surface of a product, connecting elements of electric executive devices, systems of support of the controlled production, blocking devices and other.


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How to Cite
Topchii, N., Shornikova, S., & AlkhovykО. (2020). Innovative mechanisms of non-destructive control in the production conditions. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 90-96.