Conceptual model of an intelligent decision support system to identify cultural values
conceptual model, decision support system, data mining, identification of cultural values
This paper addresses the issue of developing a conceptual model of an intelligent decision support system to identify cultural values as well as the definition of basic work scenarios and constraints. It also notes the complexity of the approach to solving the problem. Suggested routes for further research and usage of this subject area were also identified.
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А. Martynenko, B Moroz, I Gulina “Data repositories of the decision support system for the identification of cultural values” XV International Conference on the use of information technology in education, science and industry. Dnipro, December 5-6, 2019
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ND TZI 3.7-001-99 “Guidelines for the development of terms of reference for the creation of a comprehensive information security system in an automated system”. - [Electronic resource] // Access mode:
А. Martynenko, B Moroz, I Gulina “Data repositories of the decision support system for the identification of cultural values” XV International Conference on the use of information technology in education, science and industry. Dnipro, December 5-6, 2019
Martynenko A., Moroz V., & Nulina I. (2020). An intelligent decision support system for cultural property identification. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (39), 78-82.
Decision support systems - [Electronic resource] // Access mode:
Kalashnikova O. Comparative analysis of international and Ukrainian systems of registration and identification of cultural values / OL Kalashnikova // Customs security. - 2013. - № 2. - P. 70-75. - [Electronic resource] // Access mode:
Kalashnikova O. Standardization of artifact cataloging as a means of preserving cultural heritage in conditions of armed conflict. History and theory of law. Legal position, № 1 (16), 2016
Kalashnikova O. Legal consequences of imperfect description and accounting of museum collections. International law and the law of the European Union. Actual problems of domestic jurisprudence № 2. Volume 2. 2018 - [Electronic resource] // Access mode:
Ferraiolo D., Kuhn D. (October 1992). 15th National Computer Security Conference: 554—563.
Sandhu R., Coyne E.J., Feinstein H.L., Youman C.E. (August 1996). IEEE Computer (IEEE Press) 29 (2): 38–47.
Wikipedia. Privat24. - [Electronic resource] // URL:Приват24
Law on protection of information in information and telecommunication systems. - [Electronic resource] // Access mode:
ND TZI 3.7-003-05 “The order of works on the creation of a complex system to protect data in information and telecommunication systems”. - [Electronic resource] // Access mode:
ND TZI 3.7-001-99 “Guidelines for the development of terms of reference for the creation of a comprehensive information security system in an automated system”. - [Electronic resource] // Access mode:
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How to Cite
MartynenkoА., MorozВ., НulinаI., & SyrotkinaО. (2020). Conceptual model of an intelligent decision support system to identify cultural values. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 51-57.
Automation and Control