Concept of systematized flight control of unmanned aircraft
The concept of systematic flight control of unmanned aerial vehicles is revealed. The range of equipment of unmanned aerial vehicles with various technical equipment is determined. It is noted that the flight control of an unmanned aerial vehicle is based on the formation of a single system of interconnection of all parameters and sensors. Each UAV basically has certain control circuits, each circuit receives the parameters set and the parameters from the sensors installed on board the UAV, the current state of the device. The control circuit of the angular stabilization of the unmanned aerial vehicle is schematically shown. The structure of the control circuit of the orientation of the unmanned aerial vehicle is described. The contour consists of four blocks controlling roll, pitch, yaw and height. The structure of the unmanned aerial vehicle motion control "mixing" unit is proposed, this unit receives correction commands for roll, pitch, yaw, height and "mixes" them, sending each correction to the correct engine. The engine dynamics of an unmanned aerial vehicle engine is outlined, which limits the input commands from 0 to 100% of the throttle valve, simulates the engine break behavior at a very low throttle and most importantly applies a linear relationship to the throttle percentage signal. for each engine at any time. The structural scheme of the unmanned aerial vehicle is developed. To solve the problems of systematic flight control of unmanned aerial vehicles, the structure is selected and the equipment included in each level is described. The aerodynamic balance of the unmanned aerial vehicle is substantiated, the principle of its stabilization is to maintain a constant reading of the sensor readings and make appropriate changes to the speed of each rotor. The control of the unmanned aerial vehicle is carried out on 4 axes: scrolling on the course, roll relative to the longitudinal axis, pitch, altitude.
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