Features of studying the language of SQL queries in the profile course of informatics of institutions of general secondary education
study methodology, relational databases, SQL query language, database integrity, inter-table relationships
The material of the article contains explanations and methodological recommendations for the study of the topic "SQL query language" in the profile course of informatics of institutions of general secondary education. The paper describes in detail the concept of data integrity in a relational database, analyzes the risks of data integrity breach when adding, updating, and deleting records in a multi-table database, and the principles for constructing and performing SQL queries for fetching data.
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How to Cite
Bulatetska, L., & Bulatetsky, V. (2020). Features of studying the language of SQL queries in the profile course of informatics of institutions of general secondary education. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (39), 5-10. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2524-0560-2020-39-01
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