Algorithms for multi-level learning to solve the problem of classifying skin diseases.

  • V. Akymov National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Keywords: skin diseases classification, dermatoscopy images, convolutional neural networks, deep learning.


Skin diseases today
are common medical problems. The number of such diseases is constantly growing, despite the development of medicine. Skin cancer is a common malignant neoplasm and takes the second ranking place in the structure of cancer incidence in Ukraine. Primary diagnosis of such diseases is carried out visually, starting with clinical examinations, which may be accompanied by dermoscopy analysis, biopsy and histopathological examination. The paper analyzes the existing scientific publications on the classification of skin diseases using convolutional neural networks, which showed that today there are a small number of publications that use deep learning. The results of existing studies do not have a sufficient level of accuracy and effectiveness in the classification of skin diseases, which confirms the need to develop new convolutional neural networks and their further study. Therefore, the paper proposed a technical solution for constructing a convolutional neural network for the classification of skin diseases.


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How to Cite
Akymov , V. (2019). Algorithms for multi-level learning to solve the problem of classifying skin diseases. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (36), 97-102.
Computer science and computer engineering