Features of information technology distribution of radio waves by frequency bands.

  • І. Andrushchak LNTU
  • V. Koshelyuk LNTU
  • О. Sivakovska LNTU
  • М. Poteychuk LNTU
  • V. Martsenyuk University of Bielsko-Biala
Keywords: radio waves, locations, cross-country, radio


The article justifies the propagation of radio waves. The basics of their distribution in an inhomogeneous atmosphere are outlined. The principles of field strength reduction and classification of the main radio path models, both open and in the case of interference of various types, including those that screen the field, are presented. Attention is paid to modern models of attenuation of radio waves in the conditions of dense construction in metropolitan areas, as well as indoors and buildings.


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How to Cite
AndrushchakІ., Koshelyuk , V., SivakovskaО., PoteychukМ., & Martsenyuk, V. (2019). Features of information technology distribution of radio waves by frequency bands. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (36), 5-10. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2524-0560-2019-36-1