Mathematical modeling of cyber-physical biosensor and immunosensory systems.
In the article the model of atematychni cyber and physical biosensor systems for forecasting period of storage,electrochemical biosensor cyber physical systems, cyber physical system to determine glucose levels. A mathematical model of the cyber-physical immunosensory system on a hexagonal lattice based on a system of delayed differential equations was developed. The lattice model of antigen-antibody interaction for a hexagonal array of immunopixels is described. The mathematical modeling of the dynamic logic of the cyber-physical immunosensory system is presented . It was conducted to simulate the linear modeling of the dynamic logic of the cyber-physical immunosensory system in the form of lattice images of the probability of binding of antigens to antibodies in pixels of the system , with the inversion of fluorescence pixels , is the lexicronic signal from the converter, which characterizes the number of fluorescing pixels .
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