Information security: key threats and remedies.

  • I. Andrushchak LNTU
  • V. Koshelyuk LNTU
  • А. Yashchuk LNTU
  • M Poteychuk LNTU
  • V. Martsenyuk LNTU
Keywords: The article gives the justification for conducting an informational analysis of trends in the development of cyber attacks. Allocated factors that are most likely to be most affected by fluctuations in the intensity of attacks. The analysis of the factors influencing the number of cyber attacks on the information-free web-resources over the past few years has been carried out. The conclusions about the obtained results are made and the ways of increasing the reliability of the results in further research are substantiated.


The article gives the justification for conducting an informational analysis of trends in the development of cyber attacks. Allocated factors that are most likely to be most affected by fluctuations in the intensity of attacks. The analysis of the factors influencing the number of cyber attacks on the information-free web-resources over the past few years has been carried out. The conclusions about the obtained results are made and the ways of increasing the reliability of the results in further research are substantiated.


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How to Cite
Andrushchak, I., Koshelyuk, V., YashchukА., Poteychuk, M., & Martsenyuk, V. (2020). Information security: key threats and remedies. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (35), 5-9. Retrieved from