Amplitude-frequency characteristics and efficiency of the moving target selection system: analysis and modeling

  • A. Pavlenko
Keywords: amplitude-frequency characteristic, system of selection of moving targets, radar system


This article is devoted to the study and analysis of the effect of the Amplitude-Frequency Characteristics (AFC) on the effectiveness of the Moving Target Selection System (TSS) in radar systems. The theoretical aspects of the influence of frequency response parameters on the ability of SRC to screen out unnecessary signals and accurately detect moving objects have been investigated. Modeling and analysis of the dynamics of the SRC system and the influence of rejection filters on it in MatLab are presented, which makes it possible to explain some dynamic effects. The tool for numerical simulation of dynamic systems MatLab was used, with the help of which the graphs of the influence of rejection filters of the SRC system were constructed. An analytical study of SRC systems was carried out to explain the dynamic effects that arise


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How to Cite
Pavlenko , A. (2023). Amplitude-frequency characteristics and efficiency of the moving target selection system: analysis and modeling. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (52), 146-155.
Telecommunications and radio engineering