Mathematical model of inverter frequency converter

Keywords: mathematical model, frequency converter, IGBT-transistor, inverter, electronic key


The article proposes a mathematical model of the frequency converter inverter. The key elements of the frequency converter inverter are IGBT transistors. Compared to other electronic keys, they have a higher speed and the possibility of manufacturing a module from six transistors and diodes. The proposed converter model will make it possible to understand physical processes in converters, to correctly design, diagnose and operate such devices. The results of the calculations are given by graphical dependencies


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How to Cite
Lyshuk , V., Moroz , S., Pohynets’ , A., Kmytko , N., & Bartashchuk, R. (2023). Mathematical model of inverter frequency converter. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (52), 140-145.
Telecommunications and radio engineering