Method of compilation union types of TypeScript into Common Intermediate Language of .NET platform

Keywords: compiler, intermediate representation of the program, union type, CIL, CLR, .NET, TypeScript, Javascript


This article proposes a method to efficiently compile union-type variables into the CIL intermediate language of the .NET platform. The considered method is based on the idea of ​​changing the intermediate representation of the program by converting the declaration of the variable of the union type into the declaration of the variable of the generalized TSUntion class, which stores information about the possible types of the variable, as well as its value. The generation of CIL instructions takes place already for the converted program, taking into account the features of the introduced class. The result of the proposed method is the generated code, which shows a performance better than the result of the compiler of the F# language into the CIL intermediate language


1. YangSun Lee, SeungWon Na, DaeHoon Hwang, Language Translator for Execution Java programs in .NET [Електроний ресурс]
2. Yannis Bres, Bernard Serpette, Manuel Serrano, Compiling Scheme programs to .NET Common Intermediate Language [Електроний ресурс]
3. Іваненко А.Р., Марченко О.І Cпосіб трансляції конкатенації рядкових виразів мови TypeScript у проміжну мову CIL [Електроний ресурс]
4. Іваненко А.Р., Марченко О.І Спосіб компіляції замикання вкладених функцій мови TypeScript у проміжну мову CIL платформи .NET [Електроний ресурс]
5. Марченко О.І., Іваненко А.Р. Аналіз способів трансляції мови TypeScript у проміжну мову CIL платформи .NET
платформи .NET.

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How to Cite
Ivanenko, A., & Marchenko, O. (2023). Method of compilation union types of TypeScript into Common Intermediate Language of .NET platform. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (52), 77-84.
Computer science and computer engineering