Personalizing the user experience in Salesforce using AI technologies

Keywords: User experience, Customer journey, Salesforce, Artifical Intelligence, CRM


Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has transformed the interactive marketing experience of clients. Despite a large number of studies investigating the use of AI in interactive marketing, customization as a significant concept remains unexplored in marketing using AI research and practice. authors investigate appropriate research as well as insights on Salesforce interactive advertising. The authors highlight practice challenges at various points of the customer experience and give critical managerial advice as a solution to such problems. Personalization may help your business in a variety of ways. For starters, it may enhance customer loyalty and engagement by making consumers feel appreciated and understood. Second, it may aid your company's revenue growth by encouraging clients to make more purchases based on personalized suggestions. Third, it can boost retention rates of clients by increasing trust and decreasing the possibility that consumers would migrate to a rival. Fourth, it may enhance overall consumer satisfaction through rendering it more easy, efficient, and pleasurable. Your company is well-positioned to provide uniquely customised experience to customers at scale by embracing AI-powered customization technology. AI can aid in the discovery of important consumer data, the generation of forecasts about consumer habits and preferences, and the optimization of content and product suggestions. One can guarantee that AI-driven personalisation is successful and satisfies your customers' expectations by doing so.


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How to Cite
Kaliuta, K. (2023). Personalizing the user experience in Salesforce using AI technologies. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (52), 48-53.
Computer science and computer engineering