Software for designing of multipath ultrasonic flow meters
designing, software, ultrasonic flow meter, acoustic paths, chordal scheme, numerical integration methods
Analytical dependencies for calculating location coordinates and weighting coefficients of acoustic paths of 5- and 6-channel chordal ultrasonic flow meters were developed in the work. The algorithm for calculating the recurrent equations of the Jacobi polynomial is also implemented. This made it possible to improve the designing algorithm of multipath chordal ultrasonic flow meters. To implement this algorithm, a software for designing multipath ultrasonic flow meters has been improved
International Organization for Standardization. (2010). ISO 17089-1: Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Ultrasonic meters for gas. Part 1: Meters for custody transfer and allocation measurement. Geneva, Switzerland: ISO.
2. Roman, V., Matiko, F., and Kutsan, A. (2022). Software for calculating the location coordinates and weighting coefficients of acoustic paths of ultrasonic flow meters. Journal of Energy Engineering and Control Systems, 8(2), 98-103.
3. Роман, В., та Ілючок, В. (2023). Удосконалення комп’ютерної програми для розрахунку координат розташування та вагових коефіцієнтів акустичних каналів ультразвукових витратомірів. КОМП’ЮТЕРНО-ІНТЕГРОВАНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ: ОСВІТА, НАУКА, ВИРОБНИЦТВО, (50), 157-162.
4. International Electrotechnical Commission. (1991). CEI/IEC 60041: Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines. Storage, pumps and pump turbines.
5. Tresch, T., Gruber, P., and Staubli, T. (2006, July 30 – August 1). Comparison of integration methods for multipath acoustic discharge measurements. Paper presented at the Proceedings of VI International Conference on IGHEM, Portland Oregon, USA.
2. Roman, V., Matiko, F., and Kutsan, A. (2022). Software for calculating the location coordinates and weighting coefficients of acoustic paths of ultrasonic flow meters. Journal of Energy Engineering and Control Systems, 8(2), 98-103.
3. Роман, В., та Ілючок, В. (2023). Удосконалення комп’ютерної програми для розрахунку координат розташування та вагових коефіцієнтів акустичних каналів ультразвукових витратомірів. КОМП’ЮТЕРНО-ІНТЕГРОВАНІ ТЕХНОЛОГІЇ: ОСВІТА, НАУКА, ВИРОБНИЦТВО, (50), 157-162.
4. International Electrotechnical Commission. (1991). CEI/IEC 60041: Field acceptance tests to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbines. Storage, pumps and pump turbines.
5. Tresch, T., Gruber, P., and Staubli, T. (2006, July 30 – August 1). Comparison of integration methods for multipath acoustic discharge measurements. Paper presented at the Proceedings of VI International Conference on IGHEM, Portland Oregon, USA.
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How to Cite
Roman , V., & Iliuchok, V. (2023). Software for designing of multipath ultrasonic flow meters. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (52), 24-31.
Automation and Control