Regarding the issue of accreditation of calibration and measurement laboratories: general aspect

Keywords: calibration laboratory, testing laboratory, standard, accreditation, measurement, certification, technical regulation


The article discusses the issue of accreditation of calibration and measurement laboratories in relation to the latest standards of technical regulation. The directions of fundamentalization of the current current system of technical regulation in accordance with the norms and rules of the European Union have been formed. The main legal norms and standards operating at the international level are outlined. The principles of accreditation of calibration and measurement laboratories regarding the stages of implementation and responsible parties are defined. Three basic principles are distinguished on which the quality of accreditation is based: planning, finances and full involvement of participants. The advantages and necessity of this procedure are emphasized and a set of problem areas is outlined. It is noted that the problems of accreditation of laboratories on the territory of Ukraine are based not only on technical and scientific principles, but also on socio-economic ones, the solution of which should be based on an effective system of qualification verification, which will fully contribute to the improvement of the quality of work of modern laboratories. The working mechanism of interlaboratory comparison of results is characterized and the goals of application of this element are defined. It is emphasized that the qualification check directly affects the quality of the final results and it is emphasized that the qualification check provider is the connecting link of the whole process, he is entrusted with the mission of ensuring the proper conditions for the functioning of the qualification check scheme. It is noted that 5 providers of qualification verification programs operate in Ukraine today, there are 38 accredited calibration laboratories and 728 testing laboratories. Prospects for further research have been identified, which will be based on the development of a unified qualification verification methodology to ensure the quality of the results obtained by the laboratories


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How to Cite
Tchaikovsky , S. (2023). Regarding the issue of accreditation of calibration and measurement laboratories: general aspect. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (51), 116-122.
Computer science and computer engineering