The issue of cloud-based electronic document circulation in the performance of research works
The article discloses the basics of electronic document flow when performing scientific research works on the basis of the cloud. It is noted that the subject area for which the information system is being developed has a significant impact on the structure and parameters of the electronic document management system. It is emphasized that for the successful implementation of the electronic document flow system, it is necessary to use a systematic approach to the analysis of business processes occurring in the subject field, to determine the specific properties of objects and subjects of document flow, to formulate a list of solved tasks and to develop a functional model of the system. The main factor restraining the spread of cloud technologies, in particular, cloud SEDs, in the territory of Ukraine, is the limitation of communication channels and mainly the insufficient level of development of broadband access. It is emphasized that cloud technologies do not guarantee the continuity and security of the interactive mode of interaction of users with the electronic document management system, do not provide personal data and research information resources with the necessary comprehensive protection. However, it is emphasized that an electronic document management system based on cloud technologies can make full use of cloud storage, cloud security and cloud computing technologies to achieve unified, reliable and secure electronic document management. A study was conducted on the distribution of scientific research works in the most widespread free search engine that indexes the full text of scientific works - Google Scholars. The working process of the search mechanism in the system is specified and the systematic scientific potential of the application of cloud technologies in the electronic document management system is investigated
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