Dynamic information network with built-in artificial intelligence
The architecture of the user-oriented network, which involves the use of a dedicated subscriber network that combines all the necessary functions for the provision of information services, has been studied. Considering the advantages of UCN technology, it is determined that the user-centric architecture of the radio network is naturally and ideally combined with a decentralized technology that is invulnerable to DDoS attacks and single points of failure (SPOF). The peculiarities of planning the operation of large network systems under the condition of guaranteed provision of information services are considered using existing solutions obtained as a result of research on the operation of data centers and their application on a network scale with support for several tenants and parallelism. The obtained results of research on distributed systems indicate that the main goal should be to increase efficiency, not optimality. The peculiarities of providing each client device with its own "private" virtual instance of the core network through a decentralized structure of virtual machines or containers using flexible software-configured networks (SDN) and virtualized network functions (NFV) have been studied. The ideology of the UCN architecture is considered, which is to form a fundamental, flexible, secure and reliable network architecture with a simple structure and a full set of functions. The specified functional characteristics increase the reliability of the 6G network. The peculiarities of the formation of the user's digital domain based on the UCN approach with a well-defined boundary containing data resources such as user profile, service profile and resource profile (including network resources and end equipment resources) are studied. As a result, the rules for managing valuable digital assets owned by the user in full compliance with regulatory requirements for security and privacy have been defined.
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