Principles of realization of the technology of the closed cycle of water use on the territory of private property (private house).
The article reveals the principles of implementation of the technology of closed cycle water use on the territory of private property (private house). Standards for certification of green construction have been structured and indicators of compliance of construction projects have been determined. It is emphasized that the purpose of implementing green building technologies on the territory of a private house is, first of all, to reduce the level of consumption of energy and material resources while maintaining or improving the quality of a private house and the comfort of its interior. The concept of "green" construction is defined and the approach to the implementation of innovative technologies in modern construction is revealed. It is emphasized that "green" technologies, which can be implemented in combination with existing infrastructure or as autonomous systems, can support the transition to a new paradigm of water reuse by integrating the circular economy into the water management of the country, city, town, district, etc. A schematic representation of the existing system of water resources use, which is based on rainwater collection, treatment and use, is presented. The given parallel system of rainwater collection is convenient to apply on objects of individual suburban housing construction, in the territories remote from industrial zones. It is emphasized that among the benefits of using rainwater in the home should be noted a significant reduction in the consumption of ordinary tap water, as its costs depend only on the number of inhabitants and their habits. The scheme of realization of the technology of the closed cycle of water use on the territory of private property (private house) is formed. It is emphasized that for the implementation of the closed cycle it is necessary to install special equipment, which includes multi-stage filters, various reagents and coagulants that bring the chemical composition of water to sanitary standards. It is noted that the main problem of "green technologies" and the development of eco-development in general remains the high cost of their implementation, as the equipment used is imported and not every developer or customer can afford to implement this technology at their own facility.
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