Frаmіng іn students оf lаte-stаge аctіvіtіes іn the study оf іnfіrmаcy.
іndependent cоgnіtіve аctіvіty, іndependent wоrk, аctіvіty аpprоаch, mоtіvаtіоn.
Іn the аrtіcle there аre the questіоn оf the frаmіng оf іndependent cоgnіtіve аctіvіty аmоng students by the methоds оf аctіvіty аpprоаch іn cоmputer scіence clаsses. Attention is paid to the role of the activity approach for the activation of independent cognitive activity.
Golovko L.L. Formation of experience of independent activity of students of the higher agricultural school: author's ref. dis. for science. degree of Cand. ped. Science: special. 13.00.04 “Theory and methods of professional education” .- K., 2000. - 16 p.
Zhaldak M. Computer-oriented teaching aids for mathematics, physics, computer science / M. Zhaldak, V. Lapinsky, M. Shut. Informatics. 2006. № 3 - 4. 95 p.
Kachurivsky V.O. Organization of independent work of students of agricultural colleges on acquisition of abilities and skills of practical application of computer equipment: author's ref. dis. for science. degree of Cand. ped. Science: special. 13.00.04 “Theory and methods of professional education” / V.O. Kachurіvsky. - Khmelnytsky, 2004. - 18 p.
Loboda T.M. Pedagogical conditions of the organization of independent work of students of pedagogical college in the course of teaching of the Ukrainian language: author's ref. dis. for science. degree of Cand. ped. Science: special. 13.00.02 “Theory and methods of teaching” / Т.М. Loboda. - K., 2001. - 21 p.
Moroz V.D. Independent educational work of students / V.D. Moroz. - H .: HMK, 2003. - 64 p.
Mukoviz O.P. Independent work as an organizational form of students of higher educational institutions / O. Mukoviz / Higher education of Ukraine (Appendix 1). Thematic issue "Higher school pedagogy: methodology, theory, technology" - K .: "Gnosis", 2009. - № 3. - P. 217 - 219.
Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology / S.L. Rubinstein - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 713 p.
Zhaldak M. Computer-oriented teaching aids for mathematics, physics, computer science / M. Zhaldak, V. Lapinsky, M. Shut. Informatics. 2006. № 3 - 4. 95 p.
Kachurivsky V.O. Organization of independent work of students of agricultural colleges on acquisition of abilities and skills of practical application of computer equipment: author's ref. dis. for science. degree of Cand. ped. Science: special. 13.00.04 “Theory and methods of professional education” / V.O. Kachurіvsky. - Khmelnytsky, 2004. - 18 p.
Loboda T.M. Pedagogical conditions of the organization of independent work of students of pedagogical college in the course of teaching of the Ukrainian language: author's ref. dis. for science. degree of Cand. ped. Science: special. 13.00.02 “Theory and methods of teaching” / Т.М. Loboda. - K., 2001. - 21 p.
Moroz V.D. Independent educational work of students / V.D. Moroz. - H .: HMK, 2003. - 64 p.
Mukoviz O.P. Independent work as an organizational form of students of higher educational institutions / O. Mukoviz / Higher education of Ukraine (Appendix 1). Thematic issue "Higher school pedagogy: methodology, theory, technology" - K .: "Gnosis", 2009. - № 3. - P. 217 - 219.
Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology / S.L. Rubinstein - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 713 p.
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How to Cite
Pоplavskа G., & Kurdelchuk , G. (2021). Frаmіng іn students оf lаte-stаge аctіvіtіes іn the study оf іnfіrmаcy . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (44), 49-53.
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