Best universal approximations of continuous functions by generalized multiplications.
polynomials of best approximation, generalized polynomials, Chebyshev polynomials.
Two methods of approximate construction of polynomials of best approximation are proposed. An approach is presented which, using a finite number of steps, allows us to construct a polynomial of best approximation to a function on a set that consists of a finite number of points.
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Lancosh K. Practical methods of applied analysis. Reference guide. Per. with English M .. Kainer; under ed. AM Lopshitsa.- М .: ГИФМЛ, 524 стр 1961.
Fadeev, DK; Фадеева, В.Н. Computational methods of linear algebra Publisher: Fizmatgiz 736 pages; 1963
Hausholder A.S. Fundamentals of numerical analysis Per. with English - M .: Izd-vo in. lit-ry, 1956. - 320 p.
Bakhvalov NS Numerical methods (analysis, algebra, ordinary differential equations) M .: "Science", 1975. - 632 p.
Samarsky AA, Gulin AV Numerical methods M .: Nauka, 1989. - 432 p.
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How to Cite
Grinchenko, L. (2021). Best universal approximations of continuous functions by generalized multiplications . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (43), 12-16.
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