Translation the concatenation of TypeScript string expressions into Common Intermediate Language of .NET platform.

Keywords: translator, concatenation, parsing tree, CIL, CLR, .NET, TypeScript.


The article proposes a method that enables the generation of more efficient CIL instructions for the concatenation of string expressions of the TypeScript programming language. The proposed method is based on calling a proper variant of overload of the function built into the .NET platform depending on the number of concatenation operands. The result of the method is the generated code, which shows better performance than the code generated by the existing analog.


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How to Cite
IvanenkoА., & MarchenkoО. (2021). Translation the concatenation of TypeScript string expressions into Common Intermediate Language of .NET platform. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (42), 137-141.
Computer science and computer engineering