Deep machine learning for audio applications.

Keywords: machine learning, deep learning, neural network, audio signal, audio application, recognition, chord, music.


The principles of application of deep learning for neural networks for the recognition of audio signals are disclosed. Apart from the area of sound presentation. It is emphasized that the study will be limited to audio signals. The principles of signal splitting into constituent elements and their removal from audio recording are described. A diagram of the formation of the distribution of an audio signal is given and a general approach to the problem of recognizing audio signals is described. It is conventionally divided into three separate stages: processing of audio recording and its transformation in the time-frequency domain, construction of a spectrogram and its transformation into audio format, followed by outputting a sequence of features in the form of vectors. The overlap ratio and the weighted average overlap ratio (overlap) have been determined. A number of values were formed based on the experiment, which showed that the characteristics / parameters of audio applications formed using a neural network with deep learning are affected by the data preparation method, adding layers and forming a spectrum of units improves the result due to the multiplied training time, the same also applies to periodic connections.


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Music Genre Classification With

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How to Cite
LohvinА. (2021). Deep machine learning for audio applications . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (42), 72-78.