Mobile application for working as a group curator by means of Android Studio

Keywords: application, PHP, server, architecture, program.


To create a software system, all stages of client-server application development were passed, namely:considered several analog applications that implement a similar function, at the design stage of the software system developed the architecture of the client, server and application as a whole, compiled a general structure chart tables in the database, at the stage of software implementation, using object-oriented approach in an integrated development environment Android Studio software, implemented the functions of the client system, which are written in the programming language Kotlin. In the PHPStorm web programming environment, a set of server functionality has been developed that simplifies and improves the application's application with databases. The program interface has been developed.


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Documentation forapp developers [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

Kotlin [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

A little about Kotlin [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

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How to Cite
Hryniuk, S., BortnykК., & PolishchukМ. (2020). Mobile application for working as a group curator by means of Android Studio. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (40), 116-122.
Computer science and computer engineering