Formation of research and cognitive skills of students through the use of computer facilities in mathematicsclasses

  • N. Korinchuk Lutsk Pedagogical College
  • V. Korinchuk Lutsk Higher Professional School of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: computer technologies, computer, interactivewhiteboard, efficiency and reliability of training, mathematical competence, Internet, socialnetworks.


The article deals with the mainaspects of the study of mathematics with the use of computer teachingaids. The role, place and significance of the personal computer in formation of students' research and cognitive abilities are substantiated. Anexperimental study wasconductedon the use of electronicteachingmaterialsby students for preparation for classes in mathematics.


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How to Cite
Korinchuk, N., & Korinchuk , V. (2019). Formation of research and cognitive skills of students through the use of computer facilities in mathematicsclasses. COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (36), 35-40.