A Mathematical model for calculating controller parameters for a moving object.
Mathematical model. Movable object. Error. The system of automatic control of the object.
A brief analysis of the disturbing influences is given to justify the main types of disturbing influences, which must be taken into account when calculating the parameters of the regulator when constructing the automatic control system for a coal mining combine in the formation profile.
Automatic control of the position of the cutting drum of coal combines. - Mining Journal 1976.286, No. 7326, p. 59 - 60.
Automatic control of combines at the Walstenton mine: Translation No. 1295/71. M.: Giprouglemash, 1971. 33 sec
Automatic control of cutting organs of coal miners. Chernyak Z.A. and others. - "Labor safety in industry", 1982, No. 15, p. 32-33.
Webb R. Automatic control in the reservoir profile by the Underton combine. The Mining Engineer, 1967, V / 196, No. 80. P.397.
Melkumov L.G., Petunin N.S. Automation of coal miners: Overview - M., 1976. - 50 p.
Rudanovsky A.A. On rational methods for automatic control of coal mining complexes in the profile plane of the reservoir. - Coal of Ukraine, 1969, No. 7, p. 19-21.
Yarygin B.E. Automatic and remote control of mining machines, complexes and units. Kiev: Knowledge, 1977 - p. 12.
Yarygin B.E. Automatic and remote control of mining machines, complexes and units. Kiev: Knowledge, 1977 - p. 12.
Rudanovsky A.A. The basics of automatic control of combines in the reservoir profile: abstract doc. dissertation. / IGD them. A.A. Skochinsky. M. - 1972. 41 p.
Rudanovsky A.A., Smithten M.K. The study of the statistical characteristics of the microrelief of coal seams - M: IHD named after A. A. Skochinsky, 1969 .-- 28 p.
Kaganyuk AK, Slavinsky V. M., Chernyak Z. A. Calculate optimal parameters for automatic control systems for combines in the reservoir profile. - In the book.: IHD them. A. A. Skochinsky. Scientific Messenger 184. Improving and improving the reliability of mining machines and automation
Dokukin A.V., Krasnikov Yu.D., Khurgin Z.Ya. Analytical fundamentals of the dynamics of mining machines. M.: Nedra, 1966. -- 160 s.
Nunuparov G.M. Research and development of non-contact sensors of sensors "rock - coal" for automation of auger, shearers: Dis. On competition. step. Cand. Tech. Science / MGI. M., 1976. - 152 p.
Ageykin D.I. Sensors of control and regulation: Reference materials. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1965. -- 928 p
Automatic control of combines at the Walstenton mine: Translation No. 1295/71. M.: Giprouglemash, 1971. 33 sec
Automatic control of cutting organs of coal miners. Chernyak Z.A. and others. - "Labor safety in industry", 1982, No. 15, p. 32-33.
Webb R. Automatic control in the reservoir profile by the Underton combine. The Mining Engineer, 1967, V / 196, No. 80. P.397.
Melkumov L.G., Petunin N.S. Automation of coal miners: Overview - M., 1976. - 50 p.
Rudanovsky A.A. On rational methods for automatic control of coal mining complexes in the profile plane of the reservoir. - Coal of Ukraine, 1969, No. 7, p. 19-21.
Yarygin B.E. Automatic and remote control of mining machines, complexes and units. Kiev: Knowledge, 1977 - p. 12.
Yarygin B.E. Automatic and remote control of mining machines, complexes and units. Kiev: Knowledge, 1977 - p. 12.
Rudanovsky A.A. The basics of automatic control of combines in the reservoir profile: abstract doc. dissertation. / IGD them. A.A. Skochinsky. M. - 1972. 41 p.
Rudanovsky A.A., Smithten M.K. The study of the statistical characteristics of the microrelief of coal seams - M: IHD named after A. A. Skochinsky, 1969 .-- 28 p.
Kaganyuk AK, Slavinsky V. M., Chernyak Z. A. Calculate optimal parameters for automatic control systems for combines in the reservoir profile. - In the book.: IHD them. A. A. Skochinsky. Scientific Messenger 184. Improving and improving the reliability of mining machines and automation
Dokukin A.V., Krasnikov Yu.D., Khurgin Z.Ya. Analytical fundamentals of the dynamics of mining machines. M.: Nedra, 1966. -- 160 s.
Nunuparov G.M. Research and development of non-contact sensors of sensors "rock - coal" for automation of auger, shearers: Dis. On competition. step. Cand. Tech. Science / MGI. M., 1976. - 152 p.
Ageykin D.I. Sensors of control and regulation: Reference materials. - M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1965. -- 928 p
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How to Cite
KaganyukА., & Melnyk, V. (2020). A Mathematical model for calculating controller parameters for a moving object . COMPUTER-INTEGRATED TECHNOLOGIES: EDUCATION, SCIENCE, PRODUCTION, (39), 22-29. https://doi.org/10.36910/6775-2524-0560-2020-39-04
Automation and Control